Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why did The Daily Beast take down Scott Horton's Story on Blackwater?


Andrew Sullivan linked to a story on The Daily Beast by Scott Horton titled Blackwater's New Whistleblowers.

That story is now gone, repaced with The Daily Beast's standard 404 Error - not found page.

Why did this story about "startling new accusations against Blackwater and its founder Erik Pince" get pulled from The Daily Beast?

In addition to Sullivan's quotation and link, these screenshots from Google and The Daily Beast's own Twitter entry for the story are proof that it existed before being disappeared without a trace.

Those interested in the details of the explosive allegations can read about them in The Nation: Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder.

Update: Someone else has noticed. Censoring the Truth About the Crusader Prince? reports that Horton is looking into why his article was pulled.